Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

I am kicking around the idea of doing a giant "Tony Pony" omnibus. A VERY limited edition of every Tony story I ever did....I've been drawing mini-comics and other stories about him since 1995! The old 3 issue mini series that nobody has - not even me - my Grandmama has 'em though! The "crew cut" Tony Pony in New York comic that a few people have and the "I wish it had been in Big Honkin' Bug Nut" story that featured Paul B. Onion's super secret origin (before he became a lying adulterer)from 1997. I let a few people talk me out of putting that one in there. Also, I recently rediscovered all the Ragamuffin Cartoonist stories I did when Tyler was just a wee lil' spoot....Anyhoo - also various articles from around Richmond (there's been like 5 or 6? in one photo I have a giant mustache) and gobs upon gobs of would kinda be like a scrapbook for Tyler. I imagine it would clock in around 400 pages or so....anyways, that's what I'm thinking....these pups would be limited and I am considering it....then I gots to get my butt in gear and finish up the Fearnots storyline....Yeesh...


Unknown said...

Woo-hoo! I'd buy it. :)

Paul B. Onion's super secret origin (before he became a lying adulterer)

Ahem! I think you mean "lying, murderous adulterer." ;)

BTW, I haven't forgotten my offer. Just fell way behind (don't let anyone tell you that Zen Cart templates are easy to modify!). You'll get an update from me soon...

Jamie Cosley said...

Not a problem, I didn't even remember how much you had on your plate at this time until I visited your blog...I forgot about the move. Hope it went smoothly :) I'm thinking about printing 75 copies or something and maybe even hardcover? I just want the production to be nice cause I'd like to include photos and stuff -

Kneon Transitt said...

That. Would be. Cool.

Make it so.